Montessori Elementary Programs

Lower Elementary 6-9 years; Upper Elementary 9-12 years

What is Montessori Elementary?

The Montessori elementary program builds on the foundations laid in the early childhood program. Academically, the Montessori elementary school curriculum is centered around the “cultural work” or “cosmic education.” Dr. Montessori believed that children should ask questions about their purpose on this earth. She felt strongly that they should learn about other cultures in order to promote peace and be good stewards of the world. The cultural elementary curriculum encompasses zoology, botany, history, geography, and archeology. Students will also be exposed to chemistry, physics, human anatomy, and more. Throughout their time in the elementary school classroom, students study the world in which we live from the creation of the universe to modern day.

During the elementary years, children go through many developmental changes. Socially, they are learning how to interact with other children in an appropriate manner and build relationships. This is the age where most children first begin to develop a sense of empathy and become less egocentric in their thinking. Because these skills are so important, Montessori classrooms are structured in a way that provides them the ability to interact within the classroom. Group projects, group lessons, and working at a table or on the floor with another child provide students with opportunities to build relationships. From the age of 6-12, social interactions also include the need to work through differences and find a common ground.

Upper Elementary students take their learning outside the classroom through their “going out” excursions. Dr. Montessori believed that instead of showing a child a picture of a tree, they should go to the tree. Students regularly leave campus to further their studies and learn from the experts. Students also participate in overnight, off-site educational experiences that are an important component of the curriculum.

We Look Forward To Meeting You!

Take time to explore our website to learn about our school and the genius behind Dr. Maria Montessori’s work. We invite you to tour our campus to see firsthand our student’s engagement in their work and their excitement for learning.

To schedule your visit, call (479) 646-7225 or click the button below.


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